November 27, 2010

:: Welcome to Manchester ::

Manchester welcomed us (me and my family) on 21st November 2010. It was winter when we step in. We enjoyed every second of the travelling until we reached our friend's house in Salford. Thanks to Syahrizal and Siti Nurbaiti for the company. Alhamdulillah.

November 03, 2010

:: Supervisory Team at MBS ::

My PhD supervisory team is made up of Professor Robert Scapens and Dr ChunLei Yang. Hopefully everything will be just fine, insyaAllah.

:: About to Start ::

The new academic term in Manchester Business School (MBS) had started in October 2010 after the university orientation and student registration sessions in September 2010. I suppose many people have started their PhD. I will be starting a bit late as Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) had just approved the scholarship to the UK which is now limited to only critical areas. At first MBS advised me to enrol by October. Consequently MBS offered me another enrolment date latest by 1 December 2010 after justification was made. Alhamdulillah. I wish to also express my gratitude to MoHE and UiTM for their concerns and supports. To MBS, I am indebted for your kind consideration. Thank you.


I received a complete itinerary from Rohaida Abu Bakar of UiTM yesterday for the UK travel after Eid Adha. Alhamdulillah. The air tickets for three of us - myself, wife and lovely baby Zulfa are now with me. They cost nearly RM11,000. Thank you Allah.
Thank you MoHE. Thank you UiTM. Special thanks to our family members. Thank you to all.

We will be travelling with MAS from Penang to Kuala Lumpur and from Kuala Lumpur to London Heathrow before we board on British Airways or BMI to wonderful Manchester.

Pray to Allah for our blessed trip and safe journey there!